Dear customer,
Since 1985 our goal is to design and manufacture your enclosure projects. To do so, we build on our in-house technology : Plastics Sheet Bending and Mounting.
As an active player within the European economy, we aim for the satisfaction of our customers, partners and staff members, in line with the topic, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
With this in mind, we have enriched our offer by our “sustainable design approach”.
What does sustainable design or eco product design mean?
“The integration of environmental aspects into the product development process, by balancing ecological and economic requirements. Eco-design considers environmental aspects at all stages of the product development process, striving for products which make the lowest possible environmental impact throughout the product life cycle.” (Source : EEE European Environment Agency)
In essence: How can I influence the design of my bespoke enclosure, part or cover to cause the lowest possible environmental impact?

Lifecycle Analysis: What can we do together?
LTP designs and manufactures the outer shell of your final product. Our technical staff is there to advise you. Once technical, budget, shape and finishing requirements confirmed, they will guide you towards an Eco Design.
• Use of recycled (ABS), fibre or organic (PLA) plastics
• Development of an enclosure based on recyclable ABS plastic without inserts nor paint.
Good News! Having chosen “plastic” as the raw material to protect your electronics, your product is already sustainable and you are reducing the ecological foot print with regards to the transport. The mass of plastics lays at: 1.03 – 1.08g/cm3. In2.7g/cm3.
Tell us all about your needs and ideas!
What else can we do to support you in your efforts for sustainablity and corporate social responsibility?
👉 Repair enclosures? Help you to reuse enclosures?
👉 Other requests?
Do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to sustainably ECO DESIGN together!